Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Someone Must Have Shopped 'Til They Dropped

Or were there just some great deals at WalMart that couldn't be passed up?

Obviously, the driver was not inside buying cigarettes!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


One of the grocery stores that I shop at for bargains only (regular prices are high) is having double coupons up to $1. this week. They usually double up to 50 cent coupons, so I didn't use any of those. Just the 75 and $1. ones. This stuff rang up $57.36, but when the coupons came off, it was less than $21. See the Rice Krispies? This begins the 'Official Gathering of Christmas Cookie Ingredients'.

Building Addition Dedication

Sunday, we had the dedication for our addition on the church, which of course, included eating. Some of the people were standing, so you can't see them all. In the display area, you can see a monitor that constantly ran a slide show of the building work being done. Oh, my, the memories! It took us a long time to do it, but it was mostly volunteer labor and we are debt-free. We sure enjoy this addition, and wonder how we ever got by without it.

The bell is now permanently fixed, and Charlie rang it several times at the close of the dedication service.

Here is Charlie with the plaque that was presented to him in honor of his work in heading up the building project.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Mini Vacation

I took a two day trip downstate this week. It was an absolutely perfect time to view God's wonderful Creation.

Visited my parents and saw my mom's beautiful new kitchen.

Tuesday evening, Betsy and I (mostly Betsy) worked on the dollhouse I found for her at a flea market early this summer. Here she is sanding the filler inside.

And removing some glued-on trims...

...and getting rid of that awful, shiny yellow paint.

She plans to paint the shutters and window boxes sage, the white trim a cream color, and the steps gray. The door will be cream and sage, I think.

Here's Jeff holding the antlers from the elk he shot in Colorado last week.

And here's a picture I snitched off Karen's Facebook.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Here's what I did with my evening:

Canned applesauce! Yummy!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The colors are really beautiful out there.

The last flowers to bloom this year. Chrysanthemums

I spent several hours of good hard labor outside today. Got a lot done, but still have several things to do. It is a beautiful fall day, but very windy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I didn't do it, HONEST!

Now you see it...

Now you don't.

Hmmm, how did we get all these piles of dirt in our yard?

Doll Clothes

A certain little granddaughter will be receiving an American Girl doll for her birthday this week, so I made her a nightgown, robe and slippers. The robe is actually a little pinker than it looks here.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Enjoyable Autumn Saturday

Grayling was having a fall festival so we thought we'd get out and enjoy the day. They had, among other things, an old tractor show. Here Dale is standing next to one of the same vintage as he is.

There was also a model train show and swap. This one is set up with red buttons around it so kids (big and little) can press and make things happen. I liked that!

One of the other things we did was take a hayride through town.

Goofing off for a while was fun. Then Dale went back to work and I went to CERT training--search and rescue. They changed the location to a spot I had never been before. The scenario: a man and 3 children were in the woods. The man got hurt and sent the girls for help. The girls hadn't been heard from since. We had to go through the woods and fields finding the victims, checking them out, then do whatever needed to be done for each one. It was a good learning experience.