My parents opening their gifts.
Kate with her camera. When our family gets together, one must have a camera...for self-defense!
Dale opening his new Beagle wear coat. It's really nice--the nicest he's ever owned!
This is the tag that came with a cute jar labeled "Brownie Points" I give Brownie Points when they do something especially nice. However, once in a while, I take some Brownie Points away. All in good fun. I try not to be a mean mother-in-law.
Betsy helping Lori see if there's enough salt in the mashed potatoes.
A feast fit for a king...and enough to feed his army! We had two hams and two turkeys with all the trimmings.
Anthony smoked a turkey for the first time. Turned out pretty good. The white meat was nice and moist.
Karen made one of her adorable gingerbread houses. (Yep, I got the chocolate door!)
Just hangin' out.
This was in Betsy and Anthony's front yard when we came home from shopping the day after Christmas. Actually, it was already dead and gutted out...and frozen. It was one Jeff shot and was giving to Ben. The neighbor's dog was having a fit behind the fence!
Remember, I try not to post pictures of my little grandchildren on this public blog. I plan to post more pictures on Facebook.