Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photo Op at Betsy's

Betsy was getting desperate for updated photos of her parents so she took things (camera, lens, lights, etc.) in hand, and as much as we tried her patience...
...she took lots of nice ones. LOL Poor girl!

Ya know, that fella of mine is downright photogenic! She got lots of good ones of him.

I think he looks great in this one, too!

Here's my favorite of the two of us together:

I am definitely not photogenic! My skin kinda takes on a life of its own (read Twilight Zone here). I think Betsy must have done some serious photoshopping on mine.

Thanks a million, Betsy! We really appreciate it!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

More Smile-Makers

Fourth of July Parade...

My birthday cake, made by Kate (notice the spelling of birthday, Betsy?...Just keeping up tradition :-))

Finally got the flower bed cleaned up and mulched!!! You have no idea how good it feels to have that done!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Jungles

First, let me remind you that there is siding work being done on the house, so it's looking a bit ramshackle in these pictures. Also, after getting half the yard mowed, the mower developed a problem again, so the yard is also looking kinda scrufty. Hopefully, it will be finished today.

Now, on to the gardens...

This was taken after I had already scalped the rhubarb, so they don't look like shrubs anymore. The jungle on the right is raspberry; the jungle on the left is horseradish.

The squash plants are just getting going. I wonder if our temps have anything to do with the slow growth?

Can you see the plants among the weeds?

And, of course, the ole horseradish...

The peas after I had cleaned them out. Tried a different kind this year; they put their growing energy into peas and not so much into foliage.

These are some raspberry plants I had to clear out so I could get to the peas. The berry plants are growing into everything.

Half of the peas I picked yesterday. This basket was full. Yummy!

Lotsa rhubarb

Now what's wrong with this picture? Dale is helping me get this jungle cleaned up--but he's wearing a winter jacket and it's July 2.

Another of my jungles...looking pitiful, isn't it?

Made big-time progress! (but still have a long way to go)

New salad garden--after it's been cleaned out.

Herb garden