Friday, February 8, 2008

In Loving Memory

...Of my Uncle Normie who passed away last evening.

This is a picture of my uncles Norman (waving) and Furman watching over 'Furman's Hot Dog Stand' at one of our family reunions.

I think this picture was taken the last time I saw him:

A couple pictures of Uncle Normie as a little boy.

Uncle Normie was the one who took me fishing the first time I caught a fish. (He had to throw it back because it was too small--something I didn't understand for many years. When I asked why he threw my fish back, he said that it was too small. I remember thinking that maybe he thought it was too small, but I thought it was a nice fish. Didn't yet know there were rules for fishing.)

Good-bye, Uncle Normie, with love.

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